A community of sharing - sharing Christ with community in faith, love, hope and Service
Morning Worship is at 11am every Sunday led by our minister, the Rev. Jamie Griggs with singing led by the choir and organ.
Children are always welcome! During term-times, they usually join us in Church for the first part of the service, before going out for activities led by members of our Sunday Club team. We know we look quite formal, but we are really very relaxed: if they wish to stay in for the whole service, that is fine, too!
Following Morning Worship coffee/tea is served in the Hall.
This offers an opportunity for people to chat and meet visitors and new members.
Children are always welcome! During term-times, they usually join us in Church for the first part of the service, before going out for activities led by members of our Sunday Club team. We know we look quite formal, but we are really very relaxed: if they wish to stay in for the whole service, that is fine, too!
Following Morning Worship coffee/tea is served in the Hall.
This offers an opportunity for people to chat and meet visitors and new members.
All are welcome at our Services Our Live Broadcast will commence at 11am each Sunday. The Recorded Broadcast will be available shortly after the Service. You can download our Order of Service when you join in online. For any further information, please contact the Church office |
Our December Magazine is out now, click the button the view. Paper copies are available from the office.