The Jack and Jill Club
**The Jack & Jill Club has concluded its activities for the summer and will resume on Wednesday, August 21st**

The Club caters for Babies, Toddlers and their carers on a Wednesday morning during term-time from 9.30-11.30am where toys, books and various crafts are provided.
Refreshments are available for adults; carers are requested to bring an appropriate snack for their children.
It is well attended and supported and draws the majority of its membership from the surrounding community.
Enquiries for places on the waiting list for this long running club are welcome. email: [email protected]
The Club caters for Babies, Toddlers and their carers on a Wednesday morning during term-time from 9.30-11.30am where toys, books and various crafts are provided.
Refreshments are available for adults; carers are requested to bring an appropriate snack for their children.
It is well attended and supported and draws the majority of its membership from the surrounding community.
Enquiries for places on the waiting list for this long running club are welcome. email: [email protected]